Dear All,
Please see attached an exciting activity for children, held at Holly Mount Orchard in the Easter holidays.
For further details, see attached poster or contact [email protected]
Kind regards,
Julie Southworth

Dear All,
Please see attached an exciting activity for children, held at Holly Mount Orchard in the Easter holidays.
For further details, see attached poster or contact [email protected]
Kind regards,
Julie Southworth
Dear All
There are two locally organised events coming up for your diaries.
First up is a Folk Night to be held on 20th April at Greenmount Old School featuring the Greenmount Strummers.
Free entry but donations are requested in aid of Bury Hospice. Refreshments are provided, bring your own drink and snacks if you prefer (see attached flyer for details).
On the 20th and 21st July is the Ramsbottom Festival, events are being held throughout Ramsbottom over the weekend. See attached poster for details.
Best wishes
John Southworth
Dear Friends 0f Holcombe Moor Heritage Group
Our next talk is by well-known local author and historian, Stephen Oldfield. Mystical Moors discusses the history of part of the Rossendale Valley, including the Ogden, Lower Irwell and Spodden Valleys.
Date: 20th March at 7.30 pm
Venue: Greenmount Cricket Club, Brandlesholme Road, BL8 4 DX
Admission: £3
The bar will be open and there will be a raffle.
All are welcome, so please feel free to share this email and poster to friends and colleagues.
Best Wishes
Elaine Duckworth