
Unwanted Christmas Decorations

As we are taking down our seasonal decorations I would like to remind you that any unwanted Christmas decorations can be donated to the Old School to sell next Christmas.  Please leave them in the Old School porch on Saturday 9th or Saturday 16th January between 9am and 3pm.

Many thanks

Julie Southworth


D-CaFF notice


Christmas Activities in the Village – Results

Below: David Beesley, the author of the Cracker the Alpaca books giving Ruby the first prize for the Cracker the Alpacha trail.


Greenmount Village Walking Group

There is now a great deal of interest in our West Pennine Way, created by our village walking Group and opened in September 2016. Free leaflets are available from containers outside Greenmount Old School or from our website where there are many other routes to follow together with a gallery of photographs.

Greenmount Village Walking Group created and opened The West Pennine Way in September 2016. 

If interested in seeing Nigel of walking Trails doing the 46 mile route in three days, wild camping 2 nights then watch  his videos:

Runners and Walkers


The Sunnywood Project is organising an Endurance Weekend on the West Pennine Way 5th and 6th June 2021.

Following is taken from their website:

Take on the whole of the brutal, yet beautiful, West Pennine Way over two days with this fully supported and guided endurance challenge.

Like all of our events, this is NOT a race: this event is simply about completing the distance with the camaraderie of other like-minded people around you – there should be no desire to ‘beat’ anyone or break any records and our friendly guides will be running / hiking the whole route with you to offer a supportive pep talk when required. However, we also won’t be offended if you do want to push on ahead without us.

For more information visit

Many Thanks



Engagement Newsletter ( RTNM database)

Dear All

Please find attached the One Community Newsletter / E-Mail  sent by the Buy MBC Community Engagement Coordinator which contains various consultations which may be of interest

Best regards

Julie Southworth

In this email:

Draft Housing Strategy for Bury

Earlier this year, Bury Council commissioned Campbell Tickell Management Consultancy to develop a Housing Strategy for the Borough, to meet the needs of different sections of the population at different stages of their lives.

A draft housing strategy is now available and the Council is currently undertaking a programme of formal public consultation including survey based consultation and webinar based consultation, you can find out how to have your say or attend the online webinar sessions by clicking here

The Local Government Boundary Review for Bury

We are asking local people and organisations for their help to draw up new ward boundaries across Bury Council. The commission has also announced that it is minded to recommend that the council should have 51 councillors in the future.

We are now drawing up a new pattern of wards to accommodate 51 councillors, we need your help to tell where the new boundaries should be drawn. There is plenty of information to help you submit your suggestion, click here to have your say.

Bury 2030

Bury 2030 started last year in 2020 with a “Big Conversation” in which 1,100 people from around the borough gave us their thoughts, wishes and concerns. This feedback has helped to produce this latest plan – but if it is to succeed, it must have widespread support from all sections of the community: residents and businesses, young and old.

That is why we’re inviting everyone to join and and help us produce a plan that is truly backed by Bury, click here to have your say on your future.

North Manchester Hospital Redevelopment Plans

Exciting proposals to transform the North Manchester General Hospital site to deliver ambitious community regeneration opportunities are now available for public consultation.

Manchester City Council, Manchester Health and Care Commissioning and Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust are working together on a vision for a new sustainable health campus at North Manchester General Hospital which will be at the heart of the community, to read more and get involved click here.

James Turrell

Customer Engagement Coordinator 

Social Development Team | Corporate Core

Bury Council | Town Hall | Knowsley Street | Bury | BL9 0SW