Dear All
Please see attached information regarding upcoming events:
Saturday 24th June, 7:30pm until 10pm – Greenmount Strummers are hosting a Folk Night at Greenmount Old School, bring your own drinks and nibbles. Please let David Archer [email protected] know if you are coming along, see attached poster for full details.
Sunday 25th June, 10am – 4pm – Open Day at Peel Tower in aid of MNDA and the Multiple Sclerosis Trust, small charge/donations, cash only please, see attached poster for details.
Saturday 1st July, 9am until 12 – Grand Jumble Sale at Greenmount Old School (BL8 4DS). Note that this replaces the normal Table Top Sale as the collected jumble needs to be cleared prior to work commencing on the hall floor. Helpers are required for set up on Friday 30th June, at the sale on 1st July and to clear away afterwards on the 1st and 4th July. Please contact either Joan [email protected] or Christine [email protected] if you can help.
Best wishes
John Southworth